The Consulate General of Canada in Dubai, in collaboration with Canadian partners, is organising an in-person seminar on Canadian Innovations in Agri-Food & Agri-Tech, to take place in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, on February 22nd, 2022. The event will showcase Canadian Agri-Food & Agri-Tech innovative and sustainable solutions to increase food production, enhance resource management and reduce waste.
We look forward to having you take part in Canada’s interactive forum and networking event about innovative solutions that can contribute to achieving local and global climate smart agricultural capacity and efficiencies.
22nd February 2022 | 9:30 to 13:00
9.30 – 10.00
by Rania Hassan, Trade Commissioner | Consulate General of Canada
10.00 – 10.05
by H.E. Jean-Philippe Linteau, Consul General | Consulate General of Canada
10.05 – 10.10
by Kyle Procyshyn, Managing Director | Government of Saskatchewan (UAE Office)
10.10 – 10.15
Controlled Environment Agriculture (CEA) is an exciting emerging model for production of fruits and vegetables year-round in greenhouses and vertical farms. While CEA is attracting billions of dollars in investment, its still largely unproven at scale. CEA also has enormous potential in the GCC as it can withstand extreme climates, uses much less water than conventional farming, and does not require soil. But is CEA viable in the GCC? This presentation will cover the best practices for planning CEA facilities and how Canadians and Canadian companies are leading the way.
by Henry Gordon-Smith, Founder & CEO | Agritecture
10.15 – 10.30
The Food Engineer aims at creating a self-sufficient and sustainable world where everyone can grow and access fresh produce. We believe that aeroponic is the solution, that it is the future of agriculture. Learn more about our growing method, proven results with 26 crops and our proposal for the UAE and the GCC.
by Ghita Bahmad, Founder | The FOOD Engineer
by Yanic Lessard , Co-Founder | The FOOD Engineer
10.30 – 10.45
For decades CO2 enrichment in protected ag facilities has been practiced to increase food production by up to 30%. However, only 1% of the world's 5 million hectares of protected ag are able to enrich their facilities with CO2. How can CO2 become the driver for the other 99% of protected ag to produce an additional 100 million MT of food annually, enough to feed half a billion people?
by Elie Adaimy, Middle East Business Partner – CO2 Gro Inc
Group Head Business Development & Innovation-Gulf Cryo
10.45 – 11.00
by Henry Gordon-Smith, Founder & CEO | Agritecture
by Ghita Bahmad, Founder | The FOOD Engineer
by Yanic Lessard, Co-Founder | The FOOD Engineer
by Elie Adaimy, Middle East Marketing Partner | CO2 GRO Inc.
11.00 – 11.20
11.20 – 11.35
by Nathalie Doré, Regional Agriculture Counsellor | Consulate General of Canada
11.35 – 11.40
Tewari De-Ox Systems has invented and patented the Zero-OxTech® process, an innovative packaging technique for greatly extending the shelf life of meat and poultry. Zero-OxTech® solution is unlike any other, capable of increasing shelf life of meat products by preserving natural enzymes within the meat/poultry, Shelf-life offered by Zero-OxTech® process ranges from 28+ day to 100+ days for all meats and poultry.
by Dr. Gaurav Tewari, Founder & CEO | Tewari De-Ox Sytems INC
11.40 – 11.55
InteliRain Micro-Zone Precision Irrigation Technology (MPI) revolutionizes pivot irrigation. MPI is a breakthrough pivot irrigation sensing and control technology, using state of the art sensors, robotics, machine learning, artificial intelligence, and long-range wireless communication. MPI is a fully automated real-time solution to agricultural pivot irrigation which reduces water usage by 34% while increasing both crop yield and quality. Our MPI technology automatically creates individual nozzle prescriptions for each of the 18,000 micro-irrigation zones on a 65 hectares field. These 18,000 micro-zones create equal soil moisture levels across the field regardless of topography and soil composition.
by Cam Cote, Founder | InteliRain
11.55 – 12.10
by Emmanuel Richard, Founder | Custom Agricultural Intelligence Inc.
12.10 – 12.25
We all have a part to play in the fight against food waste. There are unique struggles at every stage of the supply chain and it has detrimental effects on people and the planet. Why do we waste food? What’s possible with upcycling? And how does Trendi think differently about preventing food waste? Let’s dive into it together to fight food waste on a global level.
by Carissa Campeotte, Co-Founder & CMO | TrendiTech Inc
12.25 – 12.40
by Dr. Gaurav Tewari, Founder & CEO | Tewari De-Ox Sytems INC
by Cam Cote, Founder | InteliRain
by Emmanuel Richard, Founder | Custom Agricultural Intelligence Inc.
by Carissa Campeotte, Co-Founder & CMO | TrendiTech Inc
12.40 – 13.00